Tuesday, January 20, 2009

How To Help Your Big Cat Lose Weight

Cats are one of the most intelligent companions of human beings primarily due to low maintenance cost and elegant behaviour. Many individuals treat their pet cats as a family member often feeding them with more than its diet leading to issues like overweight, however this may affect the cat's health.

Here are some ways to reduce your big cat’s weight without changing her life style drastically.

Helping Your Cat Lose Weight

Cats don’t exercise and therefore walking or playing with them will not help a great deal to reduce their weight therefore the only way to help your big cat get healthy is to regulate his or her diet. Always take opinion of your vet before making any adjustments in your cats diet which you feel would help you cat shred some unwanted weight without actually starving it out.

The risk of metabolic diseased increased in big cats in a similar fashion to that of humans and any abrupt change in their diet might further affect their health, It may also happen that your cat might refuse to eat its new diet food further worsening the situation.

Diet for cats must be worked out gradually while you check your cat’s weight constantly and if any health problems occur take him or her to the doctor right away.

Other Reasons Why Your Cat Can Gain Weight

If you have neutered or spayed your cat, he or she will gain weight shortly after gaining as much as 10 pounds at times and thus, becoming a big cat. After performing such a procedure on your cat it is essential you follow strict diet to ensure you keep your cat healthy in order to enjoy her or his company for as long as possible.

Like humans there could be multiple issues responsible for weight gain of your pet including pregnancy and child birth. If your cat is expecting or just had kittens you must yet again ensure to provide a proper balanced diet, which will keep her strong and at the same time not increase her body weight to the point where she will not be able to loose the pounds after birth.

Helpful Tip

Pampering your cat is enjoyable and most cat lovers feel that this is the best way to show your cat your love however, consider the fact that you might be reducing your pet’s life considerably by feeding her too much food and thus making her or him into a big cat.

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