Cats often compete with Dogs for their position as the favorite pet animal to humans; they are regarded as useful, sweet creatures that delight their owners. Cats are small domesticated animals that have gained popularity for their intelligence and their ability to follow simple commands once trained, and their capacity to catch and destroy vermin, more specifically rats. There are several dozens cat varieties in different colors, color patterns, fur type and size which have either been bred by humans or products of natural inter-breeding between cat species.
The African Wild Cat is believed to be the closes pre-domesticated of cats and present day cats still carry innately wild characteristics like being carnivorous and instinctive in hunting, known to hunt over a thousand species for food. Humans have lived in close association with cats for decades now, which started from the ancient Egyptians, Chinese and Vikings, who in many ways have revered the cat, even placing them in high regard over other animals both domesticated and wild.
Cat-Aloguing Cats
Tom and Queen are common names for common male and female of the cat species, at times breeds like pedigreed, snow fur or purebred are called as Dams for male and Sirens for female. Purebred and pedigreed cats both have recorded ancestries; purebred, however, have a long-lineage of only one cat variety or breed, while pedigreed cats may have ancestors of different, mostly new breeds. Breeding different cat varieties are subject to strict rules of cat registries and associations that study, regulate and assess the compatibility of varieties to come up with better offspring, both in terms of health and appearance.
Domestic longhairs, shorthairs, random-bred and mongrels are some terms that refer to cats with mixed ancestry that vary from one country to the next. Most of the cat population the world over is comprised of random-bred felines, with purebreds only totaling to less than ten percent of the feline population. Domestic cats, in general, have been classified by Carolus Linnaeus as Felis catus back in the 17th century as the domestic sub-species of the wild cat family.
Cats commonly weigh anywhere between two to seven kilograms with some breeds such as the Maine Coon weighing over ten kilograms. As a result of overeating, some of the bigger cat varieties can weigh more than twenty kilograms but are considered by veterinarians as unhealthy and more susceptible to illnesses, ailments and diseases. Further, there are also adult smaller cats that weigh less than two kilograms but are not classified as miniature varieties but are only considered as smaller, underweight cats and are considered underweight or unhealthy.
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