Saturday, November 15, 2008

Do You Know Why Your Cat Bites - Cat Behavior Explained

Ow! Your feline just sunk her sharp little teeth into you. Below are some reasons why your cat bites you.

Your cat could be frightened. Your child might be yanking on the cat's tail. A stranger could have tried to handle the cat. Cats often will bite for protection.

Playtime is another time when cats may bite. You may be strolling across the room and suddenly have a toe attacked. Some cats hate to get their bellies tickled and will bite you. Even though biting is normal cat behavior, you most likely do not want your cat to be biting you or your family members. Help your cat release energy by playing chase and pounce with cat toys that have long poles so your hands don't get in the way. Don't use your hand or other body part as the object to be chased as this cat training will only encourage biting.

Some cats bite to express their love. Cats bite each other lightly to demonstrate their affection for each other, and your cat may be giving you love cat-style. Cats may gently nip if they are licking you. The cat is really grooming you, and it is normal for cats to softly bite when they are grooming each other.

Cats may bite to communicate to you that they have had enough of your attention for the time being. Your feline could be purring happily as you pet her and then bite you to get you to stop petting her. Cats usually will give signals that they have had enough before they bite such as laying back their ears or making circles with their tails.

Feeling pain can lead a cat to bite. If your cat beings biting and you can't find the cause, be sure to get a veterinary examination to make sure there are no physical problems.

Handling kittens in the presence of the mother cat can also get you bitten since cat mothers tend to be very protective of their offspring. Usually the mother will stop biting once the kittens are older.

You should now understand why your cat bites. By not playing aggressively with your cat, treating underlying medical conditions, and learning cat behavior secrets , you can reduce or eliminate the biting and enjoy your cat friend.

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