Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Cheshire Cat: A Friendly Pet

When Lewis Carroll wrote his fictional piece called Alice in Wonderland, he created a fictional type of cat called the Cheshire cat that appeared as well as disappeared at will. It took up Alice’s time in amusing as well as vexing conversations and, was instrumental in pointing out philosophical aspects in order to get Alice angry. In one particular instance, the Cheshire cat disappears and the only visible trace that it leaves is its grin, prompting Alice to remark that she has never seen a grin without a cat. A lot of people know Cheshire cat as vanishing breed of the cat family.

Supposed Origins

A carving in a church in the village of Croft-on-Tees was what inspired Carroll into creating the Cheshire cat, though some would have it that it was based on the gargoyle that appeared on a pillar in St. Nicolas Church Cranleigh. It is obvious through multiple sources that the Cheshire cat got its name from Carroll’s home county named Cheshire, however quite a few people disagree to this fact? “Grinning like a Cheshire cat” is a saying popularized by Lewis Carroll and, may be attributed to the fact that cheese was sold in Cheshire that was molded like a cat which appeared to be smiling. Also, the last part of the cheese that could be eaten was the head of the smiling cat.

Tales apart, a somewhat more likely origin of the Cheshire cat could be the cats that inhabited the port of Chester, which had a cheese warehouse and, it was believed that cats sat at the dock waiting for rats and mice to come off ships used to transport Cheshire cheese to London. These cats seemed to be the happiest in the world and, therefore appeared to grin.

The Cheshire cat is also a notable personality in works other than that of Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland and, is also seen in Disney’s film adaptation of the book and can also be seen speaking to viewers in games found on the Disney Platinum DVD. American McGee’s Alice has a tattooed as well as withered Cheshire cat that is Alice’s good friend as well as guide. It may come as a little bit of a surprise to know that the first to enshrine the Cheshire cat was not Lewis Carroll but, Peter Pindar who wrote about Cheshire cats between 1794 and 1801.

My Cat Has Fleas!

For such tiny insects, cat fleas can inflict a horrendous amount of physical and emotional distress upon you and upon your feline. Just when you think you've got an infestation under control, a whole new generation rises up ready to feed.

Cats usually get fleas when they go outdoors, but even indoor cats can be vulnerable. All it takes is a flea hitching a ride on the owner's Reeboks. The cat rubs its head against the shoe in greeting…and there you are, dealing with a plague of cat fleas.

How Will I Know?

If you're cat has fleas, it won't be a secret for long. Watch kitty for excessive scratching. If you do notice your cat scratching a lot, purchase a flea comb (available at any pet store), place your pet on a light colored towel, and gently comb his or her fur. At times you might come across the fleas, however it is more likely that you notice black dots on the comb and towel. This is flea excrement--i.e., cat flea poop.

I Recently Noticed The Black Dots. Now What?

First you have to know your enemy and that means a quick lesson on the flea life cycle. A mature female flea can lay up to 50 eggs per day. Almost all of these eggs will be consumed by your cat, remaining would go to your cats favorite places. When the eggs hatch, the larvae survive by eating the adult flea's feces. After about a week, the larvae cocoon themselves into pupae. After a week the pupae emerge from their cocoons to be adult fleas, all set to repeat the entire cycle once again.

To cure your cat of fleas, you must not only kill all the adults, but also all of the eggs, larvae, and pupae. To be effective, you must carry out your campaign of destruction all at once.

Killing The Adult Fleas

The quickest way to accomplish this is to take kitty to the vet for a flea dip. During your presence there, make sure to enquire the vet about available products for getting rid of flea eggs. Also ask your vet about cat flea prevention so you don't have to go through the same thing again next year.

Killing The Eggs, Larvae, Pupae

While your cat is at the vet being dipped, it's time to take on the flea babies. Wash and vacuum your cat's bedding (if your cat sleeps on the bed, wash your own bedding, too, as well as any pile of clothes your cat has slept on). Vacuum or steam clean all the carpets in your home. Ensure that you do not miss on any part of the carpet, more prominently the area near to the floor boards. Take the vacuum bag out to the trash immediately so fleas do not start to breed inside it. Finally, release an insect bomb (or several) in your home. Ask your vet for a recommendation and follow the instructions exactly.

If you follow these instructions, your cat should be free of fleas in short order, but put him or her on a prevention program recommended by your vet. One flea annihilation per cat is more than enough.

Cats And Their Allergy

Cats are among the best pets that one can have, as you don't have to go for it's outdoor walks and daily exercise, it can stay in comfortably in small houses if you provide food and fresh water when required. Therefore, many of us prefer cats as the ideal pet besides all the mentioned advantages of having a cat, they are also extremely loving and loyal.

The Disadvantage Of Having A Cat

The only disadvantage of having a cat is acquiring or triggering cat allergy, which usually occurs from the dander and cat hair. You may not know you have cat allergy until you get a cat and encounter the following symptoms: shortness or breath, itchiness, watery eyes, blurry vision and sneezing or wheezing when in the presence of your cat or in the place where he or she shed hairs.

Cat allergy can be very painful and dangerous at times especially if you have any other medical conditions, which can be aggravated by the allergies therefore you must immediately take measures to combat the symptoms and enjoy your cat’s company.

Dealing With Cat Allergies

The first thing you will need to do is ensure your house is ventilated at all times; a good air filter will clean up the air and animal dander considerable providing you with breathable air. Grooming of your cat should be done by another family member if possible and also outside the house or where you spend most of your time, as during grooming a lot of the hair and dander will be air borne and that can affect your allergies significantly.

In case your cat suffers from persistence allergy, it is advisable to consult a Vet who will prescribe appropriate medication, which are the most suitable solution for this problem. Even after taking drugs or shots, it is important you still continue to ensure that the house is always properly cleaned as well as the air filter always running in order not to activate your allergies again.

Helpful Tip

Cat allergy can be fatal especially if you are suffering from respiratory diseases therefore, it is important you consider spending sometime in your pet’s presence before you acquire it and that will be the best way to know whether you can have a cat pet or not.

Cats are exceptional pets and many people are ready to pay exorbitant price for it, in most cases allergy drugs will help subdue the symptoms, it is advisable to be cautious if your allergy gets aggravated and.


Tips For Taking Care Of Your Domestic Short Hair Cat

While not officially considered a breed by the cat associations, the domestic short hair cat is the most common breed found in individual’s homes in the United States. The domestic short hair cat is often considered an ordinary everyday cat that is not bred for show but rather just for house cat purposes. In spite of this, more than ninety-five percent of all cats found in Northern American region belong to domestic short hair types.

History Of The Domestic Short Hair Cat

Today’s domestic short hairs are descendants of working cats that were brought to America on ships from England for keeping down the rat population. Cats that have no clear defined parentage are considered domestic short hairs.

Appearance Of The Domestic Short Hairs

The domestic short hair cat is perhaps best known for their diversity. They exhibit a plethora of personalities, styles and colors. This is possibly, what makes them so adored as house cats. It is noted that there are more than eighty different color patters of domestic short hair cat.

It is well known that domestic short hairs can be either calicos, tabbies or color cats. As a matter of fact the most prevalent domestic short hair cat is the black and white tuxedo cat. The appearance of a domestic short hair will depending entirely on the area you live and what other cats are in the vicinity.

If you live in a colder location then you are likely to get a domestic short hair cat that has a stocky build with a dense coat. Cats that come from regions with warmer temperatures will often be thinner with lighter coats.

Domestic Short Hair Personality

The temperament of the domestic short hair cat is about as diverse as their coat colors. When you get a domestic short hair kitten, it is often very difficult to determine what their personality will be like as an adult. They can grow up to be either quiet or vocal cats. They may hide under the bed most of the day or they may be tripping you up trying to get attention as you make your way around the house.

Purebred cats usually have a distinct personality and pattern, however domestic short hair cats have not been specifically bred hence it is difficult to judge its personality. Since domestic short hairs are randomly bred, you never know what you will get. No matter what domestic short hair you get however, they are usually friendly and social.

Taking Care Of Your Domestic Short Hair Cat

Most of the time domestic short hairs require little grooming, but it can vary depending on the length and texture of the individual cats coat. However, grooming is very important in all cats to help remove dead hair to prevent hairballs. It also has beneficial effect on blood circulation, muscles and skin, by virtue of the stimulation receive when grooming a cat.

Does Your Cat Have Feline Idiopathic Cystitis?

If your furball has been diagnosed with idiopathic cystitis in cats, you probably have a lot of questions.  Read on to learn more about this condition, and how you can help your cat with natural remedies for pets.

What Is Feline Idiopathic Cystitis?

"Idiopathic" is a fancy word that means "we don't know what's causing it." When you're dealing with a cat with feline lower urinary tract disease, this can be extremely frustrating.  Cystitis in cats is a very common condition, unfortunately.  And an even more unfortunate fact is that in nearly half of the cats diagnosed with FLUTD, there doesn't seem to be a cause. 

Some vets refer to this condition as "feline interstitial cystitis" because it's very similar to interstitial cystitis in humans. 

How Feline Idiopathic Cystitis Resembles Interstitial Cystitis In People

Comparing these conditions in both cats and humans show some interesting results.

  • People with interstitial cystitis have more sensory nerves in their bladders.  Many cats who have FLUTD do, too.
  • Often a person with interstitial cystitis doesn't have the mucus lining in their bladders that protects the bladder from becoming irritated by urine.  This is true of cats with idiopathic cystitis in cats, also.
  • Both humans and cats are plagued by recurring bladder infections.
  • Stress seems to be a precipitating factor for cystitis both in cats and in humans.

The question of whether both people and cats are suffering from the same condition is the topic of research studies.  If so, human treatments may be helpful for kitties, as well.

Drug Treatments For Idiopathic Cystitis In Cats

If your cat is having a lot of severe episodes, your vet may prescribe amitriptyline.  It relieves the pain and inflammation associated with cystitis in cats.  Side effects can include sleepiness, weight gain, bladder stones, and urine retention.You may notice that your kitty is letting his grooming slide, too. 

Your cat may be given steroids in an effort to reduce the bladder inflammation.  Glucosamine has been found to repair the mucus lining of the bladder, so your vet may want to try that. 

What Can You Do At Home To Help A Cat With FLUTD?

Diet is very important for these cats.  There has always been an emphasis on reducing the acidity of the urine, along with decreasing the amount of magnesium and calcium in the urine.  But the latest research shows that the rate of water turnover is the most important. 

What this means is that you need to figure out how to get more water into your kitty.  This will keep his urine dilute to keep the acidity lower, and prevent high mineral levels. 

If you feed your cat dry food, it's very important to switch him over to canned food.  Dry food has moisture levels below ten percent.  Why is this a problem?  Because cats are made to get most of their water from their food.  In a natural setting, cats eat mice and other animals, which are 98% water.  They don't need to drink much water. 

Canned food is has a 75% moisture level, which is certainly better than the moisture level in dry food.  It can be difficult to switch a cat who has always eaten dry food over to canned food, but patience and persistence over several months often pays off in better health for your kitty.

Reducing your cat's stress levels is important, too.  Many cats will have episodes of feline lower urinary tract disease after a stressful event like moving.  Some cats are even affected by weather changes.

Natural Remedies For Pets Can Help

Many cat owners have been successfully treating their cats with a natural remedy formulated especially for pets.  This cat uti remedy contains uva ursi and barberry, two herbs with a long history of use in treating human bladder problems.The homeopathic remedies Cantharis and Staphysagria are also ingredients.  This remedy is safe for long-term use in cats, and is very effective for preventing cat urinary problems.

Put this to the test right away, and see how well this remedy works on your cat with feline idiopathic cystitis.

Visit Natural Pet Urinary Health, and learn how to prevent feline idiopathic cystitis, and find the best place to buy herbal pet remedies.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Has Your Cat Been Diagnosed With Feline Idiopathic Cystitis?

If your furball has been diagnosed with idiopathic cystitis in cats, you probably have a lot of questions.  Read on to learn more about this condition, and how you can help your cat with natural remedies for pets.

What Is Feline Idiopathic Cystitis?

"Idiopathic" is a fancy word that means "we don't know what's causing it." This is extremely frustrating when it comes to feline lower urinary tract disease.  Cystitis in cats is a very common condition, unfortunately.  And an even more unfortunate fact is that in nearly half of the cats diagnosed with FLUTD, there doesn't seem to be a cause. 

Some vets refer to this condition as "feline interstitial cystitis" because it's very similar to interstitial cystitis in humans. 

How Feline Idiopathic Cystitis Resembles Interstitial Cystitis In People

Comparing these conditions in both cats and humans show some interesting results.

  • People with interstitial cystitis have more sensory nerves in their bladders.  Many cats who have FLUTD do, too.
  • Often a person with interstitial cystitis doesn't have the mucus lining in their bladders that protects the bladder from becoming irritated by urine.  This is true of cats with idiopathic cystitis in cats, also.
  • Recurring bladder infections are a problem in both humans and cats.
  • Stress seems to be a precipitating factor for cystitis both in cats and in humans.

There are studies going on to find out if both people and cats are suffering from the same condition.  If so, human treatments may be helpful for kitties, as well.

Drug Treatments For Idiopathic Cystitis In Cats

If your cat is having a lot of severe episodes, your vet may prescribe amitriptyline.  It relieves the pain and inflammation associated with cystitis in cats.  Side effects can include sleepiness, weight gain, bladder stones, and urine retention.Your cat may not be too concerned about grooming himself, either. 

Your kitty may be given steroids to reduce the inflammation in his bladder.  Glucosamine has been found to repair the mucus lining of the bladder, so your vet may want to try that. 

What Can You Do At Home To Help A Cat With FLUTD?

Diet is very important for these cats.  There has always been an emphasis on reducing the acidity of the urine, along with decreasing the amount of magnesium and calcium in the urine.  But the latest research shows that the rate of water turnover is the most important. 

What this means is that you need to increase your cat's water intake.  This will keep his urine dilute to keep the acidity lower, and prevent high mineral levels. 

If you feed your cat dry food, it's very important to switch him over to canned food.  Dry food has moisture levels below ten percent.  Why is this a problem?  Because cats are made to get most of their water from their food.  In a natural setting, cats eat mice and other animals, which are 98% water.  They don't need to drink much water. 

Canned food is has a 75% moisture level, which is certainly better than the moisture level in dry food.  It can be difficult to switch a cat who has always eaten dry food over to canned food, but patience and persistence over several months often pays off in better health for your kitty.

Reducing your cat's stress levels is important, too.  Many cats will have episodes of feline lower urinary tract disease after a stressful event like moving.  Some cats are even affected by weather changes.

Natural Remedies For Pets Can Help

Many cat owners have had great success with treating their cats with a natural remedy produced especially for pets.  This cat uti remedy contains uva ursi and barberry, two herbs with a long history of use in treating human bladder problems.The homeopathic remedies Cantharis and Staphysagria are also ingredients.This remedy can be safely used on cats for long periods of time, and it's also very effective for preventing cat urinary problems.

Put this to the test right away, and see how well this remedy works on your cat with feline idiopathic cystitis.

Visit Natural Pet Urinary Health, and learn how to prevent feline idiopathic cystitis, and find the best place to buy herbal pet remedies.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Cat Care: Everything From Cat Food To Health Care

Cats are fantastic pets that bring a considerable amount of happiness in our lives and should be given an equal amount of devotion and love. Welcoming the cat into the new home can be an exciting as well as overwhelming experience but, need some action before they can be safely added to the family circle. Most importantly one needs to cat proof the home, this implies taking out all small and hazards items like rubber bands, tinsel etc. that may choke the new addition. Have a cat carrier on hand, which are safe as well familiar places for the cat and, having a litter box would help the cat understand where to eliminate.

Cat Care Also Means Socializing The Cat

Once you have your cat secured in the home, you would need to socialize it and, this cat care chore is essential for it will help it to adapt to new social as well as environmental change. Also, understanding cat behavior can be a bit perplexing and needs time before cat training techniques can be successfully applied to keep the cat from engaging in unwanted behavior. Cat care will normally revolve around its food and nutrition needs and these will also change as it grows older. Premium cat food formulas can be given at different stages of her life to help it stay fit as well as healthy.

Giving the cat food that has all the necessary nutrients as well as being palatable is essential for its health and, one should refrain from giving it human food, which will upset the nutrient balance of its diet. Obviously, its food would contain milk but, it should be supplemented with raw eggs, though in limited doses, and raw fish and meats should be given with other ingredients to complete a nutritious diet for your cat.

It is necessary to take good care of the cat’s teeth as the pet is prone to dental problems like us hence, the cat’s teeth should be regularly brushed and given appropriate food, it is also advisable to get the teeth cleaned by a registered veterinarian. Good veterinarian dental care would prolong the life of the cat’s teeth as well as ensure that it does not require painful oral treatment.

One should also ensure the cat care that we give it should provide adequately for its safety and, this should be given priority. One should keep windows locked, especially if living in high rise apartments and keep it away from essential oils whose toxicity can harm its skin or be harmful to it, if inhaled. One may also need topical flea control products to keep it free of pests and, also have a First Aid Kit handy to prepare for emergency treatment of the cat.

Selecting furniture for a Cat

While cat furniture may be designed for the specific needs of your cat, they still often prefer the human furniture. It can be a difficult process to find the right cat furniture that your pet will not only like, but will also use. Much of the cat furniture on the market today is designed to meet all feline needs including climbing, scratching, lounging and height-loving views.

The right furniture choice will provide your cat with lots of fun, challenge, joy and imagination. If you choose the right cat furniture there is also an added benefit for you, your cat will stop climb and scratching your own furniture. However, it can often be difficult making a decision on cat furniture since there are as many options for cats as there are for humans.

What You Should Consider

Since the cat furniture you purchase is going to be a playground for your cat you should make sure it has a variety of options for your cat. Cats often get bored with the same thing so it is best to have something that contains may play objects including toys that swing and dangle. The cat furniture should have lots of towers, platforms, ramps and stairs in addition to a few dark and small spaces where they can cuddle and get away from the hectic pace of the household.

However, cats aren’t the only ones to consider when making a purchase. Since the cat furniture is going to be taking up about as much room in your living room as your own furniture you should make sure it is something you can live with as well. Make sure it will fit in your living room and that you won’t be embarrassed when you have company come over for a visit.

In case you live in a rented apartment, pick up furniture that can be assembled and dis-assembled as per convenience, this would avoid unnecessary relocation damage or expenditure. If you must get a furniture piece that can’t be taken apart then it should be lightweight yet sturdy enough that it won’t fall over when you cat jumps on it.

Features To Avoid

You should make sure your cat furniture won’t tip easily so that you cat can jump up onto it without trouble. You should also stay away from cat furniture that has objects that can be chewed off and swallowed. It can lead to development of intestinal blockage and consequent veterinary expenditure. There should also be no slippery surfaces so your cat can move around comfortably.

How To Bring Cat And Dog Together?

Cats and dogs have been known to be enemies forever however, there are many people who have pets cats and dogs in the same house; how do they live happily ever after, let us find out the secret behind it.

Are Cats And Dogs Eternal Enemies

All animals have an built in defensive system against animals or things that pose danger to them and in this case, cats tend to react first as dogs are usually larger then them and they feel threatened and this is what we usually witness when a cat meets a dog for the first time, the cat will hiss or even attack and then run away and hide; the dog follows simple because he or she is curious and not because he or she wants to attack in most cases.

Now days many pet owners have conquered this hurdle of so called animosity between the dog and cat with simple yet effective techniques.

Methods To Bring Cats And Dogs Together

The best way to make the cat and dog friends is when you bring them up together from the stages of pup and kitten, as at that age they are not capable to judge threats and therefore usually will confuse their so called enemy with their own and thus, become inseparable friends.

The challenging part is when adult dogs and cats come together, they have preconceived instincts which is difficult to change, it needs to be resolved slowly and tactfully. The cat is the one that reacts first because the size of the dog scares him or her so, you will almost always have to make the dog sit or lay down before introducing your cat to him or her.

Don’t hold the cat down and force her or him to be close to the dog as it may turn ugly and the cat can scratch you and the dog in the process, instead demonstrate to your cat that the dog is friendly by patting and cuddling the dog and inviting you cat to sit close to you at the same time.

When feeding your pets is yet another great time to try and bring the cat and dog closer and that is by feeding them close together; usually when the pets are hungry they will not bother much with who is present next to them especially after you have taken the time to introduce them several times.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Bengal Cat and Its Aura of Wildness

In contrast to your thoughts, a Bengal Cat is a good pet to have in the house. This cross breed between a leopard cat and domestic cats happens to be one of the best pets that you can have. A Bengal cat loves people and could be a very good companion. Although the Bengal cat is very alert and curious, they are not really hyper active. If you happen to be one of those people who love to have some peace and quite in the house and do not want to have a very active kitten running around and toppling things over, the Bengal cat would be good for you.

Origins Of The Bengal Cat

As mentioned before, this type of catis a cross breed of a leopard cat specifically the Asia leopard cat (ALC) and some domestic cats especially that of Egyptian origins such as the Egyptian Mau. Other types of domestic cats have also been crossbreed with the leopard cat to produce the Bengal cat. The domestic short hair, the Abyssinian, the Ocicat and many other unpedigreed cats have been breed the Bengal cat over the years. Some say that there are no longer any authentic or pure breed Bengal cat nowadays since it has been crossbreed for many generations already. However, there are many people who maintain that there are still many pure breed Bengal cats all over the world since there are many second-generation male cats, which have been breed to preserve the Bengal cat breed.

These cats have genetically evolved from the leopards and are residents of the wild forests of Asia, their crossbreed with domestic varieties produced domesticable varieties. Nevertheless, this type of cat still has some of its strong and really independent streak so your should make sure that you know your cat well for you to be able to take care of it better.

How Does The Bengal Cat Look Like?

A Bengal cat is a medium size cat with muscular built. This type of cat has an aura of wildness in it in reminisce of its wildcat ancestors. Its coat the spots, rosetted or marbles pattern which it had inherited from its leopard cat ancestors. The most common colors of this type of are the black or very dark brown pattern with sandy beige background. There are also some, which have the silver coat with black patterns and those with dark brown pattern on beige background.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Tips For Choosing A Good Cat Breeders

If you are thinking on getting a purebred cat then you will need to give a lot of thought and planning to choose reputable cat breeders. You want to be selective in who you get your cat from since you are going to be entering a long relationship with your cat that will last longer than most marriages. It is very important not only for your but for your cat that you find the right cat breeders to get your new feline friend.

By choosing from caring and responsible cat breeders you will not only be saving your cat from painful health issues later on but you will be saving yourself a lot of money in vet bills. Reputable cat breeders will only give you healthy and genetically sound kittens. In addition to this, a good breeder will throw multiple questions to make sure that his loved kittens get a responsible owner like him.

Since cat breeders are often more expensive to buy from than pet stores or private individuals you will want to make sure you make a sound decision. Hence take some time to evaluate all your options before you make a purchase this will give you ample happiness once you get the kitten from your breeder.

Why Go With Cat Breeders?

One of the most prominent benefits of buying a cat from an acknowledged cat breeders is that it negates associated risks to bare minimum. While most cat breeders don’t one hundred percent guarantee that you will get a healthy and socialized cat your risks are considerably less than when you buy from stores or newspaper ads. Buying from cat breeders will give you extra assurance against addition problems and cost later down the line.

Pet shops often get their kittens and cats from not so good sources. Many of their cats come from kitten mills or what is known as backyard breeders. Then cats may not have the best of health condition and often have little socialization. Once you purchase a cat from a pet shop or a private individual, you may be faced with a lot of difficulty over socializing your cat and paying out a lot of money in vet bills.

Choosing Cat Breeders

The first step in choose a breeder is to know which breed of cat you are looking to buy. After this, you can look for breeders that specialize in the cat breed you are looking for. Make sure you know the standard of the breed you are looking for so you can spot any issues with the cat when you check them out at the breeders. The best way to choosing a good breeder is by being a knowledgeable consumer.

Further, you should search for breeders who specialize in your breed of cat. Consider checking out breed specific clubs and websites since they are often an excellent source of breeder information. Additionally, several breeders who associate with these groups follow a code of ethics which makes the purchase of your pet safer. It is always best to purchase from a breeder in your area since you can actually go to the location and view the kittens while also checking out the facility.


How To Identify A Good Cat Boarding Facility

Many people have heard of boarding a dog, but cat boarding is less common. Typically a cat will be left in the capable hands of a pet sitter, but if you can’t find a sitter and you need to travel somewhere for either work or pleasure then it may be a good idea to leave your cat in the capable hands of a professional cat boarding facility.

When buying a cat boarding facility make sure that all the required features to handle a cat are available in it. Ask if they are prepared to meet the exact care needs of a cat and look around the facility to find how they work with cats. This way you will feel confident when you leave your cat in the hands of a boarding facility that knows and appreciates cats.

Facility And Amenity Options

If you are going to be boarding your cat for the first time then it is a good idea to do your research first and know what to expect. Once you know what goes into a cat boarding facility then you will be better prepared to check out the facility. The three top most things you must look for in a cat boarding facility are cages, playrooms and food in the order of importance.

The place of your pet cat should be secure because cats are master at eloping from nearly all types of environment. A premium cat boarding facility usually has separated regions for cats to rest and play and allow the pet to maintain it’s marked region. The cages should be at least three square feet and have a smooth interior for the cats comfort.

If you are going to be boarding multiple cats then you should look into finding a facility that offers larger condos so your pets can enjoy spending some time together each day. This way your cats won’t suffer the added stress of being separated from each other and away from you at the same time.

The playrooms of a cat boarding facility should be large enough to accommodate cat toys, climbing furniture and scratching posts. This way your cat will get good exercise and will be properly stimulated during their time in the facility. Make sure the facility also keeps a staff member in the play area so the cats won’t start fighting with others.

The final thing to keep in mind when checking a facility is what food they include for your pets stay. If they don’t carry the proper food for your cat then ask if they will allow you to provide your own food. Usually this will be okay, but you should check so that your cat will receive adequate and proper food while you are gone.

Other Factors To Include

You should always check for recommendations when choosing a cat boarding facility. Ask your friends and family members if they know of any good options. Make sure you observe how clean, comfort and friendly the area is so you will be able to judge how comfortable your cat will feel being left with them for a while. A high-quality cat boarding facility should also have a veterinary doctor as a staff and be ready to provide customer references.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Selecting Cat And It's Breed

If you are considering getting your first cat or you have had several before you will always be surprised at the many cat breed options you have. With all of cat breeds out there to choose from how can you be sure that you are getting the right one for you and your family. There are three steps to consider when selecting your cat breed to make sure you are getting a cat that will match with your household.

Noisy Or Quiet?

The first step to considering a cat breed is whether you want one that is vocal or one that will be quiet most of the time. There are some cat breeds that are extremely vocal so you should consider if you can handle this before getting one of these cats. Even if you feel that you can handle a vocal cat you should consider your situation, if you live in an apartment then perhaps your neighbors wouldn’t be so happy with you getting a cat that is extremely vocal.

If you would like a vocal cat then you should consider one of the following breeds: the Siamese, the Korkat or the Burmese.  For those who are looking for a quieter cat breed you should consider one of the following: the Scottish Fold, Somali or the American Curl.

Friendly Or Distant?

The next thing to ponder while selecting a cat breed is the attitude of the cat. There are some cat breeds that thrive on human contact while others would prefer to have nothing to do with their human counterparts except for food. For those who don’t have a lot of time to spend cuddling their cat then perhaps a more independent cat breed would be a better choice .However, for those who are looking for a good family cat then perhaps an affectionate cat breed would be the better option.

If you are looking for a cat that will cuddle then you should consider the following: the Snowshoes, Abyssinian, Maine Coon, Ragdoll, Tonkinese and the Himalayan Persian. For those who want a more independent cat you should consider the following breeds: the Norwegian Forest Cat, the Nebelung and the Russian Shorthair. Or perhaps you want a cat that is a bit of both and will spend the hours in between your cuddling entertaining themselves. These breeds would be the Sphynx, Siamese, Rex, Balinese and British Angora.

Long Or Short Hair?

This choice can be almost as important as selecting temperament. A short haired cat breed is a good choice for those who may not be able to spend a lot of time caring for their cat. Long haired cats may be cute but you should always consider the amount of time that is involved in grooming them. In absence of proper care of long haired cat coat gets entangled quickly forcing it's owner to get the entire cat shaved.

How To Select a Cat Bed

Getting an appropriate cat bed is beneficial for you as well as your pet. Your cat will be thankful to have their own bed and you will no longer have to worry about them resorting to finding their own cuddle place, which is perhaps not where you want it. By selecting an appealing cat bed for your feline they will stop sleeping where you don’t want them.

It can be a daunting task to find the perfect cat bed since there are numerous options available. However, you should rest assured that since there are so many choices you are bound to find one that works for your cat. You can find cat beds that range from small furniture suites to just a simple pad. To find the right cat bed, consider the following ideas.

The Comfort Factor

Always consider what your cat will consider comfortable when shopping around for the perfect cat bed. A bed that is cozy is very important for cats but it should also be one that allows them to be warm in the winter and cool in the summer. A cup shaped bed is best for your cat in winter as it helps cat to conserve it's body heat. If you live in an extremely cold part of the world then you should provide a heated bed for your pet cat as it may be the best.

Getting Your Cat To Use The Bed

If you cat isn’t using the bed you brought home it doesn’t necessary mean they don’t like the style, rather they may just not like where you have placed the bed. Cats prefer their beds placed in a place that is both quiet without a lot of activity but yet in an area where they can still keep an eye on the various household activities.

Considering The Humans

When choosing a cat bed you ideally want one that works for your cat, but you will also want to choose one that matches your preferences. For this reason, it is often best to find a cat bed that is easily washable. Since the bed is often going to collect a lot of fur, you want one that is easy to place in the washer. For this reason, you should make sure you find a bed that is very durable.

What To Avoid

Beds that have hanging fabric or strings should be avoided since your cat can ingest these. As a result of swallowing these strings or fabrics, they will become ill and have intestinal blockage, which could lead to a costly medical bill. For the convenience sake, any one would opt for a color safe bed which will not spoil the other cloths while washing.

Fun Facts About Calico Cats

Although almost all cats have an air of beauty and dignity to them, for sheer charming prettiness, none surpasses the calico cat. This three-toned (black, orange, and white) feline inspires awe in some, terror in others, but indifference in none. This article offers some interesting info about the elusive calico cat.

What it takes to be a calico?

Calico cats, by definition, have patches of orange, white, and black fur. In the calico, these patches are distinct. Tortoise shell cats are similar to calicoes in terms of their colors.  

Yes, We Have No Boy Calicoes

First for a quick lesson in basic biology: Female cats are formed when each parent donates an X chromosome. Male cats are formed when the mother donates an X chromosome and the father donates a Y chromosome.

Part of the genetic anomaly that gives calicoes their unique coloring is linked to the X chromosomes. In calicoes, one X chromosome carries the gene for black fur and the other X chromosome carries the gene for orange fur.

Since males only have one X chromosome, they rarely become calico cats. The few available males of the calicoes breed generally carry genetic abnormalities like XXY chromosome patterns. In most of the cases cats are sterile and easily suffer from other allied health problems. 

Calico Cats Are The Bane Of Breeders

Calico cats are not a species unto themselves, and there's no such thing as a "purebred" calico cat. They're usually part domestic shorthair (e.g., alley cat), part Manx, part Persian, and part kitchen sink. For this reason, it's very difficult to breed a calico cat. Breeders can increase the odds of getting a calico (say by breeding a black cat with an orange cat) but the results depend largely on gender and luck. There are no guarantees.

The Price Is Right

Given that the genetic combination must be just right to get a calico, you'd think they might be expensive cats, but most often, they're not. Most of the pet owners who end up with calicoes are not specialized at cat breeding but ordinary pet owners who were not expecting litter. You can always find classified ads in the newspaper during spring season, in all probabilities it will not be difficult to locate a calico cat."

The only time calico cats can get pricey is if they're also bred for another trait. A calico Munchkin, for instance, will cost upwards of $500, not because it's a calico but because it's a Munchkin.  

Devil's Plaything?

Former Attorney General John Ashcroft was afraid of calico cats. He believed them to be signs of the devil.

And The State Cat Is…

In 2001, calico cats were voted the state cat of Maryland, because their colors match the state bird (the Baltimore oriole) and the state insect (Baltimore Checkerspot Butterfly).

What about a black cats, are they the angriest cat of all?

Most cats have a lazy and quirky nature.  Their personalities range just like a human, and their moods fluctuate just like one as well.However is there a co-relation between attitude of a cat and it's breed? 

Stereotypically, people associate pit bulls with a bit more of a temper than, say, a golden retriever.  Could this hold true for cats as well?  Are calico cats nicer than tabby cats? Are Siamese cats as grouchy and snobby as they are portrayed in children’s fairy tales?How about Black varetiy, does it's temper really shoots through roof?

Apparently, it has nothing to do with breed or color at all, it’s just ingrained in their personalities to be the angriest cats around.Almost fifteen percent of cats turn hostile to humans after a certain point in their life.  This has nothing to do with breed or color, it’s just a general preference. 

Do You Think You Have The Angriest Cat?

If you are worried that you bought the angriest cat at the shelter due to constant hissing and a general aggravation that surrounds your little critter, give him some time!Do not start repentinting on your new buy so soon.  Let him get used to the family.  Cats are very sensitive creatures, and often, you just need to allow them time to adjust at their own pace.It is quite probable that your pet might hide in a corner and not even touch it's food.  This doesn’t necessarily make him a one of the grouchiest, or angriest cats, it could just mean he’s a little shy, or maybe has a rough memory of what a family is like.  Remember, a lot of animals rescued from a pet shelter have been previously abused or ditched.  Your cat could have been a stray or an alley cat, making your “getting to know you” process a little more difficult.

What Do You Do?

A good rule of thumb for starting out on the right foot with the angriest cat in the batch, is to start slow.  Don’t force interaction, this will just cause him to become more distant.  Let him get used to the new atmosphere, eventually he will come up and want to check you out.  It might be a little frustrating at first, thinking you ended up with the angriest cat you’ve ever seen, but he could turn out to be a great pet once he gets used to his new home.  There are also products on the market to ease his introduction like Feliway, which is a spray that is advertised to help relax a cats nerves.  You may find that these types of products make your first few weeks of pet ownership a little more tolerable. 

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Selecting Toys for Cat

You’ve shopped for Aunt Suzie, you’ve shopped for the kids, did you by anything new for Mister Pickles your cat?  When is the last time you gave him more than a plastic bag from the grocery store to play with?  And here you are yelling at him again for tearing up the carpet, or knocking the ornaments off of the Christmas tree.  Get the poor guy a new cat toy! 

Cat Toy Options

Which one should you by him?  You see all of these toys in the aisle, some with bells, some with cat nip, some that are just plush mouse shaped cat toys.  The options are almost limitless, or so it seems.Will he appreciate it?  Will it annoy you?How much time would he take to lose it?  These are some of the things to consider when you’re shopping for a new cat toy. 

If you’re not a fan of anything that makes jingling noises , but know that your cat would be crazy about it, try getting him a ball with some sort of foil or mirror in it that will reflect light.  This will give the same sort of interactive idea that cats love.
Cat nip might turn up equally entertaining for you and your loved cat.  Cat nip is a drug for cats, making them a little more hyper than usual, or causing the adverse effect, and making them seem a little drunk.It is better to give a little and observe it's reaction, it is quite possible that they might give you run for your life with their new shot of energy.  Also, make a mental note that if you buy your cat the cute little animal shaped cat toys with the cat nip inside, they will probably completely annihilate the cat toy trying to get to the cat nip.You might consider buying a few form the store you have visited. 

Another great option for a monitored cat toy that will allow you to interact with your furry friend as well as give hours of entertainment to the both of you, is a simple laser pointer.You might have already seen them, significantly small to be your next key chain, and it distinctly gives the prominent red dot from good distance.  You’ll have your cat chasing that thing all over the house, and up the walls.  And this is a toy they can’t tear up.  These are just a few of the many options out there to consider when Christmas shopping for a new cat toy this year.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Keeping The Alley Cat Stable

The alley cat, wild and capricious as it may be, does serve the community well by minimizing rodent problems in the neighborhood. They may not actually rid us entirely of the rats as well as mice, but they can certainly keep a check on their population and, also discourage fresh rodents from entering the community. Thus, it is instrumental in maintaining the eco-balance.

An Interesting Spectacle

It also makes for interesting spectacle with many people deriving pleasure from observing them and, also helps lower blood pressure, according to medical studies. They also provide an opportunity for people to feed them and take care of them and, are good soul mates for the elderly and, help in relieving boredom, depression, loneliness as well as isolation. Alley cat help to destress and become a source of happiness for people those to take good care of them.

Alley cats can help in extending the life expectancy as well as lower blood pressure and relieve stress as; taking care of them is beneficial to the health of their providers. Taking care of them provides an opportunity that can obviate the need for irresponsible purchase of a pet that is left uncared for. Domesticating an alley cat after proper vaccination and sterilization helps in repelling other strays from coming close and also makes the alley suitable to stay in civilised human society.

However, alley cats are quite difficult to handle and should not be taken lightly and, it would be safer to handle them sparingly, to ensure one’s own well-being and safety. Taking them to the veterinary should be useful and, use should be made of special traps, squeeze-side cages, as well as cages to contain the alley cats, after they have been operated upon. In this regard, those who come into contact with an alley cat should have had pre-exposure rabies vaccinations and, if bitten, the wound should be washed thoroughly as well as be treated without delay, to prevent infections.

The alley cat may also be needed to be tested for viral diseases such as FeLV and FIV, though the rate of such infections in them is generally low. People often would like to give an alley cat sanctuary, but few of these cats would really relish living in confinement as they are wild animals that are accustomed to the outdoor life. Also, alley cats are social animals that may have developed strong bonds with companion cats. Relocating the alley cat may mean separating them and, thus cause them needless stress. But, for safety sakes, there is nothing wrong with relocating an alley cat.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Resceu a Cat instead of buying One

If you’re planning on getting a new cat for your family, why don’t you start at your local cat rescue?  There are so many adorable pets there that are in dire need of a loving home.  These types of facilities are ideal when shopping for a new cat, because you can get a great deal on your new pet!

Why A Cat Rescue?

A cat rescue shelter sells awesome cats at less price than prevailing market price.  You can bring your child to the facility and let them “rescue” their very own pet!  These animals may have come from an abusive household, or been a stray their whole lives, they would thrive in a loving environment!Almost all cat rescue shelters provide a spayed or neutered cat, de-wormed and flea treated for an economical price of under hundred dollars.  You’ll end up spending at least that amount on the shots and neutering/spaying alone! 

With so many people neglecting to get their animals spayed or neutered, the number of strays is increasing.  There are not enough homes for these animals.  And to add to that increasing number, there are families that decide that they can’t take care of their pet anymore, or they move to a place that doesn’t allow pets.  Unfortunately, some of these poor little creatures will have to be put to sleep if they’re considered to old for adoption.Statistics reveal that on an average more than 2000 animals are euthanized monthly in absence of adequate rescue resources.  People don’t think about that when they’re dropping their five year old cat off at the cat rescue shelter.  Luckily for you, sometimes the older pets come at a lower price because most families want a little kitten.It is prudent to choose a grown up cat at the rescue shelter, as this not only saves a life but also gives you a grown and great pet. 

Most of these animals have has tragic lives so far, they have been dumped, or never really had a family at all, so, many cat rescues take special care in finding these cat’s a good home.  They make sure you are ready for this pet, and they give you as much information as possible about your new friend’s personality so that you know what to expect.  They are not trying to sell you on it, they are trying to make sure are you are a motivated buyer, and really know what you are getting into.  These people love animals, and want to see these pets become part of a special family, maybe even yours.

Choosing a Cat name

Whether you are a first time cat owner or you have had cats before, it can be a difficult process to select an appropriate cat name. If you have had cats before you have no doubt experienced issues in selecting a cat name, Henry soon became Henretta. Perhaps you named a cat Tiny and later they outgrew their name. By following a few ideas you can find the perfect cat name for your four legged companion.

Many people will find a cat name in surrounding things and areas. Cats have been named after people, song titles, movies and other things that appeal to their owners. One thing that is certain, there are almost as many ways to find and select a cat name as there are cats.

Choosing A Cat Name

Anyone who has had a cat knows how independent they can be and if you are a first time cat owner you will soon find out the range of their independence. As a result cats become extremely dependent on routine and are not easy to train. Dogs are easy to name since it is known that they hear hard consonants. However, cats typically learn a name better when it is only two syllables or names that end in ‘ie’ or ‘y’ which makes it a little more difficult to choose a cat name.

As Cats carry themselves gracefully an aristocratic long name always suits them. However, if you select on of these names for your cat you will soon find yourself shortening it for every day use. Sometimes when a name has to be shortened it may not sound good or it may not be the type of cat name you originally had in mind. Therefore, you should consider this when naming your cat.

Kitten Names

If you are getting a new kitten then you should be even more careful with choosing a name. People typically think of naming their kittens after their cute appearance. However, you should keep in mind that kittens quickly turn into cats and the name you selected may no longer work. You do not want your cat to be stuck with a name that doesn’t match them for the rest of their life. Changing name may also create confusion in the cat's mind and your pet might lose it's interest in you completely.

When choosing a cat name the best thing to do is take your time. It will be a lot easier to choose a name for your cat if you wait a few days and consider all your options. Take a little bit of time to sit back and watch your cats character and personality. However, always keep in mind that the name you select for your cat will also be the one that you are calling out in the middle of the night when neighbors might be able to hear. So choose your cat name carefully.

Is Cat house worth expenditure

As cat lovers, we tend to want to spoil our pets. A fancy scratching post? No issues. The best quality food available in today's market? It is all about money. Ten dollars for a mouse made from old scraps of material? Here is the source- the credit card.

But what about a special house for your cat? Is that worth the expense? If your cat were a dog, there would be no question. Dogs, like their ancestor the wolf, still want to sleep in dens. An anxious or overtired puppy is often happiest tucked away in its carrier or crate.

Cats, however, have the blood of lions flowing through their . Lions don't seek dens. They lie out on veldt sunning themselves and surveying their kingdoms. That's what your cat wants to do as well. He or she will, therefore, take a dim view on being shut away in a carrier or crate like a puppy.

Another reason not to purchase a cat house for your cat is that the odds of your feline actually sleeping in it are astronomically low. When do cats ever sleep where you want them to? You can spend fifty dollars on a faux sheepskin cat bed, and ten minutes later, you'll find the cat sleeping in your laundry basket or sprawled across your futon.

Let's face it. Your cat doesn't need a special house. He or she already has the run of your house.

However, if you have madeup your mind to pamper your pet by providing it the best house available, you should consider these options.

Wicker Cat Bed - PetSmart

The Wicker Cat Bed is available through PetSmart and will cost you around forty dollars. It has the potential to be a winner, because there's a bed on top of the basket as well as a hole on the side for your cat to crawl into the basket. A cat might receive a kick out while scratching at the wicker. Considering the plethora of available options, even the most choosy pet cat will not be able to avoid noticing this living space.

Cat Hutch - Dura Craft

This hutch, which retails for around $35, is like a teepee for your cat. An opening to the side crawl making way to the cushions will lure any pet cat to live in a house. And if your cat finds other…er…uses for the hutch, both the cushions and the outer cover are machine washable.

Half Moon Multi Tier Tower - Green Duck

For $130, you can make your cat a condo dweller. This cat house is wonderful for scratching, climbing, and napping. It is not enclosed, so kitty can survey his or her domain. If your cat must have a house, this is definitely the way to go.

Food of Different Cats

If you are getting a new cat, one of the most important first decisions you will make is which cat food to feed them. Your cat food selection should be made carefully since it has a lot to do with your cat’s health and longevity. It can be overwhelming to make a cat food selection since there are literally hundreds of options on the market today.

What To Look For In Cat Food

When it comes to dry cat food, it is important that you choose one to meet your cat’s specific life stage. In case you are buying food for your new kitten ensure the food is for kitten and not for adult cat. When a cat reaches the adult stage then you should use a regular dry food. Once your cat is in the senior stage a food specifically formulated for their age can go a long way to helping them age gracefully.

While picking up the dry food ensure the package is marked with an AAFCO approval sign. This means it will have a seal on the package showing the contents are approved by the Association of American Feed Control Officials. This means the food conforms to the minimal diet standards that the association has set up to guarantee good cat food.

Finally, you should consider what your veterinarian recommends. No one knows better than your cat’s doctor does what food is best for his or her needs. If you do not have a veterinarian recommendation then you should look for food that has high quality and consistent ingredients on the label.

What To Take Into Consideration

The most important aspect of your cat’s health is good nutrition, which as a major affect. This statement is especially true of kittens that are still growing. If possible, you should feed them the highest quality food you can afford without cutting back on your own food.

Before you choose which cat food to purchase you should consider several things. Included in this is your specific cat breed, their age, size and health. It is also a good idea to keep in mind where you will be feeding your cat and how much you are willing to spend on cat food. By carefully considering all these aspects, you will be able to select a cat food that is appropriate and beneficial to your cat, which will help it to lead a long and healthy life.

Cats and their breeds

Cats often compete with Dogs for their position as the favorite pet animal to humans; they are regarded as useful, sweet creatures that delight their owners. Cats are small domesticated animals that have gained popularity for their intelligence and their ability to follow simple commands once trained, and their capacity to catch and destroy vermin, more specifically rats. There are several dozens cat varieties in different colors, color patterns, fur type and size which have either been bred by humans or products of natural inter-breeding between cat species.

The African Wild Cat is believed to be the closes pre-domesticated of cats and present day cats still carry innately wild characteristics like being carnivorous and instinctive in hunting, known to hunt over a thousand species for food. Humans have lived in close association with cats for decades now, which started from the ancient Egyptians, Chinese and Vikings, who in many ways have revered the cat, even placing them in high regard over other animals both domesticated and wild.
Cat-Aloguing Cats
Tom and Queen are common names for common male and female of the cat species, at times breeds like pedigreed, snow fur or purebred are called as Dams for male and Sirens for female. Purebred and pedigreed cats both have recorded ancestries; purebred, however, have a long-lineage of only one cat variety or breed, while pedigreed cats may have ancestors of different, mostly new breeds. Breeding different cat varieties are subject to strict rules of cat registries and associations that study, regulate and assess the compatibility of varieties to come up with better offspring, both in terms of health and appearance.
Domestic longhairs, shorthairs, random-bred and mongrels are some terms that refer to cats with mixed ancestry that vary from one country to the next. Most of the cat population the world over is comprised of random-bred felines, with purebreds only totaling to less than ten percent of the feline population. Domestic cats, in general, have been classified by Carolus Linnaeus as Felis catus back in the 17th century as the domestic sub-species of the wild cat family.
Cats commonly weigh anywhere between two to seven kilograms with some breeds such as the Maine Coon weighing over ten kilograms. As a result of overeating, some of the bigger cat varieties can weigh more than twenty kilograms but are considered by veterinarians as unhealthy and more susceptible to illnesses, ailments and diseases. Further, there are also adult smaller cats that weigh less than two kilograms but are not classified as miniature varieties but are only considered as smaller, underweight cats and are considered underweight or unhealthy.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

How To Help Your Big Cat Lose Weight

Cats are one of the most intelligent companions of human beings primarily due to low maintenance cost and elegant behaviour. Many individuals treat their pet cats as a family member often feeding them with more than its diet leading to issues like overweight, however this may affect the cat's health.

Here are some ways to reduce your big cat’s weight without changing her life style drastically.

Helping Your Cat Lose Weight

Cats don’t exercise and therefore walking or playing with them will not help a great deal to reduce their weight therefore the only way to help your big cat get healthy is to regulate his or her diet. Always take opinion of your vet before making any adjustments in your cats diet which you feel would help you cat shred some unwanted weight without actually starving it out.

The risk of metabolic diseased increased in big cats in a similar fashion to that of humans and any abrupt change in their diet might further affect their health, It may also happen that your cat might refuse to eat its new diet food further worsening the situation.

Diet for cats must be worked out gradually while you check your cat’s weight constantly and if any health problems occur take him or her to the doctor right away.

Other Reasons Why Your Cat Can Gain Weight

If you have neutered or spayed your cat, he or she will gain weight shortly after gaining as much as 10 pounds at times and thus, becoming a big cat. After performing such a procedure on your cat it is essential you follow strict diet to ensure you keep your cat healthy in order to enjoy her or his company for as long as possible.

Like humans there could be multiple issues responsible for weight gain of your pet including pregnancy and child birth. If your cat is expecting or just had kittens you must yet again ensure to provide a proper balanced diet, which will keep her strong and at the same time not increase her body weight to the point where she will not be able to loose the pounds after birth.

Helpful Tip

Pampering your cat is enjoyable and most cat lovers feel that this is the best way to show your cat your love however, consider the fact that you might be reducing your pet’s life considerably by feeding her too much food and thus making her or him into a big cat.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Black Cat A Witches Pet

If you’ve ever had a black cat cross your path, you probably felt a feeling of dread. That’s because there’s a certain stigma associated with the black cat. They’re not supposed to cross your path as it could give you bad luck, as the old superstition goes. Why do black cats have such a reputation? There are many theories.

Witches Pets

Ever since people have believed in the existence of witches, we’ve seen them with a pet. This pet is usually a black cat. Maybe it’s because of their dark appearance or maybe it stems from an even further legend as to why witches, if they even exist, choose a black cat as their faithful friend. Whatever it is, every year, come Halloween time, you’ll see plenty of witches and you’ll see plenty of black felines right along with them. Probably the which have given the cute looking black cats a sinister name. Or, maybe it was something else entirely.

The point is, the black cat has gotten a bad rep. A lot of animal shelters do not allow people to buy a black feline in order to avoid it's use in any evil ceremony. It sounds very said, and it is, but it’s also true. This stigma towards the black cat has to stop. They are just as loving and pure and friendly and kind as any other breed of cat.

If you are ever wanting a cat, don’t believe all of those stupid superstitions. Don't hesitate go out side and purchase a cat, it doesn't matter even if it is a black one. If it crosses your path, be thankful, because all it’s probably trying to do is rub up against your legs as cats sometimes do. You should not be afraid. The fact is a black cat is just a cat with a specific color, however some people perceive it as evil. This is just nonsense and people should forget the fairy tales and love a black feline just as they would any other color cat.

Black cats aren’t evil and they deserve to be treated as a pet, just as cats are intended to be. Once you see that your cat isn’t the demonic being everyone makes it out to be, you can go on educating all of those hard headed people who avoid black cats as they would a loose wild tiger, which, again, is just nonsense.

Communicating with your pet Cat

Cat lovers have a way of communicating with their cat. When they hear a cat meow, cat lovers would have this sense of understanding of what their cat wants. For some people, understanding what their cat wants comes so naturally that a stranger would often wonder if the owner actually speaks cat language. Well, whether a person do or do not speak cat language, a cat meow would definitely tell you something by merely paying close attention to the tone of the cat meow.

How Does One Understand A Cat Meow?

A keen observation of body movements and Cat meow would allaw you to understand the communication from you cat. If your cat meow incessantly and would start walking towards the food dish, this means that your cat is hungry and would like to be feed. You see, your cat has a way of telling you what it wants so pay close attention to the tone of the cat meow and the body language that accompanies the tone.

Now, what if your cat starts rubbing itself on your leg and producing some soft cat meow? Typically, this means that you cat wants to be petted and cuddled. Cats are really very sweet creatures and they like to be cuddled so pay attention. Now, what if your car start to make that harsh cat meow and its fur stand up? The fur is a good indicator of the mood of you docile cat, if erect it implies that your cat is no longer docile but agitated and angry. And and hostile cat looks quite offensive with erect fur imparting it a bigger look than real. If your cat meow and move away with its fur standing up, do not push it. Your cat is not in he mode to play with you so let it be. Cats love to have sometime on its own so if your cat shows some resistance when you try to cuddle it, don’t force it.

The cat meow of a sick cat takes on some other dimensions. If you hear your cat crying in the night in that soft pitiful sound, there is a big chance that your cat is not really feeling so well. Check your cat and find out what is wrong. Forget that cliché that your cat has nine lives because there is no such thing as cats having nine lives. As soon as you realize that you Cat is not keeping well, immediately bring it to a Veterinary doctor to avoid any complications.

Cat Make Up: The Perfect Halloween Costume

Cats are elegant and beautiful creatures, often impelling the on lookers to admire it’s mysterious beauty. And it's always been said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Therefore, why not put on cat make up and a cat costume for your next costume party?

Cat Make Up Kits

There are several cat make up kits on the market. Some emphasize the sexuality of a hot blooded female cat, others focus more on the goofiness of the kitten, still others are slightly forbidding, reminding us that the cat is only partially domesticated whatever we may think. Many cat make up kits will transform you into a feline who looks like an extra for a production of Andrew Lloyd Webber's Cats

The kits vary greatly in price, but they all come with basic cat make up and instructions for applying it.

Cat costumes are also readily available both online and in costume stores. Once more you will come across a variety of accessories to pick up from including Hat, Comic looking cat and skimpy dresses that would give a Hollywood actress a run for her money.

But I Want to Do My Own Cat Make Up!

You can't go too far wrong with a cat make up kit, but there's always the chance that you'll show up for your Halloween event looking just like someone else. In order to become unique, insist on doing your own make up.

You'll need grease paint (color according to your preference), a white highlighter, eyeliner, mascara or false eyelashes, and lipstick and lip liner. If you're really into creating the perfect costume, consider purchasing a latex nose, some spirit gum, and a bristly black paint brush to provide whiskers.

There are several online sites that can coach you on the basics of applying cat make up. Study them to get ideas. Then, take a paper sheet and draw a sketch of a model cat face. Buildup an image in your mind that you would like to project. Is your inner cat warm and cuddly, or aloof and mysterious? Are you a kitten or a crone?

When you're ready to start applying your cat make up, do so carefully. If you make a mistake with grease paint, it's hard to wash off. You might want to enlist a friend to help you get your make up just right.

After you finally complete the work, it is finally time for the party. Just remember to conduct yourself with the appropriate amount of feline pride. For a matter of fact, centuries ago, your ancestors too were regarded and revered as gods.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Cat and their health issues

Proper cat health relies heavily on preventative measures; this includes routine veterinary care as well as grooming on a regular basis. To make sure you cat stays both happy and healthy it is a good idea to watch for any changes in their condition. The best time to judge the health of your cat is the time when you are grooming it.

Cat Health According To Life Stages

The best way to keep on top of your cats health is by knowing the life stages and what proper cat health is for each stage. This way you can easily recognize when something is going wrong with your cats health and seek medical attention as soon as possible.

The debut life stage starts from day one on the planet till sixteen weeks. At this stage the feline animal begins to grasp survival tactics form the surrounding environment. During this phase of life cat are playful but shy away from human beings. Cat health is also extremely important in this stage so that they can grow up to be healthy throughout the rest of their life.

The next stage is from sixteen weeks to one year. During this period, cats are often still very playful. To maintain cat health you should make sure you cat is spayed or neutered at about six months old unless you are planning on using them as a breeding cat.

Next comes the one to eight year period, which are the prime years for cat health. During this stage of your cat’s life, it is very important to have yearly visits to the veterinarian. Here onwards comes the stage which continues for next ten to twelve years. This is when pre-geriatric cat health comes into play. Your cat will often slow down but their behavior will remain the same.

Geriatric cat health will start when they turn twelve. At this age, you will start to notice health problems in your cat and they will often become worse as they age. Cats will often move very slowly since their joints will start to become stiff. Elderly cats may also be very irritated.

Common Cat Health Issues

There are varieties of health conditions that can affect your cat. A big part of keeping your cat healthy is proper prevention. Contact your veterinarian right away, if you notice any health problems. The following are some of the more common conditions your cat may get.

Flea allergy is a common problem for cats. A cat’s sensitivity to fleabites will increase as they age. Similar symptoms can be observed in an event of a food allergy or a flea bite allergy, the symptoms are vomiting or diarrhea , skin rashes and severe itching.

Hairballs are a persistent cause of vomiting in cats. You can reduce this issue by maintaining a regular schedule of coat brushing. Even with short hair cats, they can get hairballs if you don’t keep them down with routine brushing. You should take your cat into a veterinarian if they have persistent vomiting since this can also be a sign of thyroid or kidney problems.

Role of Tail in Cat Walk

The cat has five toes on its front paw and the back paw has four and, there are also cats that have seven front toes and, extra toes on their hind feet. A cat is known to step with both of its front legs and, then both of its right legs, when walking or running and they normally walk on their toes. Domestic cats are known to sprint at approximately thirty-one miles an hour.

Special Manner Of Walking

The cat is a skilful hunter and this may be the reason for a cat to walk in a special manner. Almost all animals employ alternate legs using right front and left rear followed by the left front and right rear. Three out of the entire list of animals deviate from this trend, these are Cat, Camel and Giraffe. The cat walk moves two legs on one side together first and, then shifts to repeat the motion with the other side. The good thing of this manner of walking is that it is a diagonal movement that saves the animal’s energy and provides speed, agility as well as silence.

Cat beautifully uses its tail for balance similar to a tightrope walker employes pole to balance himself. A cat that walks along a narrow ledge or fence can peer over in one direction by taking the help of its tail that moves in the opposite direction. Also, the footpads of the cat are extremely calloused and are of a modified skin that will cover the connective tissue and, thus is much tougher than normal skin. This allows the cat to walk even in the cold, without any problem.

When the cat walks, its paws bear the full weight and a cat will stand as well as walk on the entire paw and, if were to be de-clawed, it will have to modify its stance. It might force your cat to walk unnaturally putting undue strain of its paws. It would take the cat sometime to adjust to this changed circumstance, but once it does, the cat will walk with the adjusted motion, once again.

Big cats walk with their tails tucked behind them or tucked between their legs and this may be a ploy to conceal them to avoid being spotted by their enemies and, domestic cats may also walk this way, when stalking a mouse. That may be the reason why the term ‘cat walk’ was coined.

Taking Care Of Your Cats And Kittens

Almost all kids appreciate the idea of domestic pets. One advantage of having domestic pets is that you subconsciously inculcate a sense of responsibility in your children. Taking care of their pets such as cats and kittens, could be a very enjoyable task for your children that they don’t really mind if the care of their pets would take much of their time. As your children learn how to take care of their pets, they will also slowly become responsible and reliable.

Involving Your Kids In The Care Of Your Cats And Kittens

Having some cats and kittens in the house could be enjoyable but it will also take much of your time. If you have children, you should request assistance from them in taking care of Cats and Kittens to free yourself for other important tasks. You should also make sure that you know how your kids feel about taking care of the cats and kittens so that you will be able to gauge a to whether or not they are ready for the task.

Kittens and Cats are easy to nurture hence your children at home can easily take up this task without much intervention of yours. However, before you do turn over the task of taking care of the cats and kittens to your kids, you should first make sure that you understand each other well. When asking the help of your kids to take care of the cats and kittens, you should talk to them about the job first and make sure that they understand their responsibilities towards the cats and kittens. Discuss the concept of nurturing a Cat or Kitten with your children without hesitation. While teaching your children the art of taking care of domesticated Cats and Kittens, you should emphasize upon the significance of giving good care to your Cats and it’s Kittens. Allow you kids to realize that Cats and Kittens are like us and require proper care. Do not just give out orders to your kids that they should feed the cats and kittens at certain times of the day because that will really raise much sense of responsibility in your kids. Worst, your kids may not like the idea of being ordered around that way and they will not really take the job seriously.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Training Cats: How Exactly Do You Go About Training Your Cat?

Target training and clicker training are some of the more effective techniques used in training cats.

Target training
This is a type of training where you get your cat to perform specific actions with the use of a designated instrument, for example a training wand.

Clicker training

Clicker training is a type of operant conditioning. A small mechanical noise-maker (the 'clicker') is used by the trainer to create a short, distinct noise. The clicker is pressed at the exact moment the cat completes a desired action. For example, for the 'sit' command, the clicker is pressed at the exact moment your cat places it's bottom on the floor. Directly after the click, the cat is fed a small and tasty treat.

With repetition, the cat grows to associate the click with the food, and recognizes his own ability to earn treats by performing the desired action on command.

A few quick tips for training cats properly

  • The key is patience. Your cat is unique and will have its own abilities and likes and dislikes. Make allowances for his personality, and don't lose your temper if it doesn’t go exactly according to schedule.
  • Implement a schedule for mealtimes. You shouldn't leave food out at all times for your cat to eat as and when it feels like. Enhance the reward-value of food and treats as training aids in order to improve your cat's routine.
  • Be smart with your training. The best time to schedule your cat training session would be just before its meal. The routine of its usual mealtime will increase your cat's focus and its desire to listen to your commands.
  • Take baby steps when training your cat. It's best to build up a solid foundation of the basics before attempting to expand his repertoire.
  • Keep lessons short and interesting and always try to end on a positive note.

How to train your cat to sit on demand
'Sit' is the perfect first command to train your cat to do as it acts as a foundation to build upon for other commands and tricks such as 'stay' and 'high five'.)

Make your training wand extra-effective by smearing the tip in a little tuna oil, and use it to attract your cat's attention. As he comes closer to you, hold the wand slightly above and behind the back of his head around the crown area.

In order to keep his eyes on the wand he will move his head backwards. Doing this will force him to sit down naturally. As he sits down, say the word 'Sit', which will be the verbal cue for this command. As soon as his botttom hits the floor, press the clicker. It's important that you time this precisely.

As soon as the click sound is heard, give him a tasty treat. Make sure it's cut up very small – if it takes him more than two seconds to eat it, he'll forget why you gave it to him.

Repeat this process a few more times, and over the next few weeks, keep doing so until he's comfortable with what's expected of him. Once he is sitting down on command you can start to phase out clicker training but still give treats now and again. Just remember patience and consistency are key.

Where to find more cat training tips

For step-by-step advice on how to train your cat in a huge variety of other obedience commands and tricks check out our Complete Cat Training Review.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Discover The Three Natural Ways To Prevent Feline Urinary Crystals

You may not know this, but if your cat is prone to feline urinary tract infection, he may have urinary crystals in cats.  Feline urinary crystals are a major cause of cat urinary problems.  Here are three natural ways you can prevent these crystals from forming in the first place.

Your Cat's Diet Is Very Important

Most people who are owned by felines are very conscientious these days about feeding their cats a diet low in magnesium.Struvite stones in cats were quite common in the 1970's and 80's.  It was found that if a cat was fed a diet high in magnesium, he was more prone to developing mineral crystals in his bladder, which often led to a feline urinary tract infection.  Cat food manufacturers changed their formulas, and everyone thought the problem was solved.

But do you know that your cat is probably chronically dehydrated if he is fed only dry food?  Since kidney failure is the leading cause of death in older cats, it makes sense to put these two things together.

Dry cat food has a very low moisture level, usually under 10%.  This is great if your only concern is to keep mold from growing on it, but if you're worried about the amount of water your cat is taking in, it's not so good. 

Cats normally don't seem to drink a lot of water.A cat in the wild get most of the water he needs from his prey.  Did you know a mouse is 98% water?  Canned cat food has a moisture level of around 75%.Add a litte water to it to increase the moisture level even more.

Of course, your cat should always have plenty of clean, fresh water to drink at all times.

Stress Causes Feline Urinary Crystals

Cats develop a routine.  They really don't like change at all.  Introducing a new pet into the household, moving, and even going to the vet are all stressful events for your kitty.

A stressed cat can develop many different types of health problems, including urinary crystals in cats.  If your cat is stressed, the best thing you can do is to give him lots of extra attention and reassurance.

Natural Remedies For Pets Can Prevent Cat Urinary Problems

Many cat owners use herbs and homeopathic remedies to treat their own ailments, so it's only natural that there would be rising interest in natural remedies for pets. 

People have been using uva ursi and barberry to treat human bladder complaints for centuries.  Homeopathic remedies used for urinary tract infections in people include Cantharis and Staphysagria.

Wouldn't it be great if you could give these safe, effective remedies to your kitty to support bladder health and prevent inflammation from urinary crystals in cats?  Well, now you can. 

There's a remedy available now that combines all four of these traditional remedies for urinary problems.  This product has been specially formulated for pets, which is a very important safety consideration.  It's made by a long-established company that has a sterling reputation for producing only the highest quality natural remedies for pets. 

So there you have it; three natural ways to prevent feline urinary crystals and support your cat's bladder health.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Truth about Cat Flea Medicine

If you have pets you know that fleas can really be a big annoyance. If you are allergic to fleas your self you may find that they are painfully irritating as well. A good cat flea medicine can help you keep pest free all year long.

I am allergic to bites from fleas and I have had my share of painful experiences with these little buggers. I know that when I see my pet scratching and squirming that I need to invest in a cat flea medicine that will do the trick, the last thing I want is for boys bedding of my little one for be infected, not only for my cat but for me as well. I will get nasty welts from a few bites and I want to avoid this by any means possible.

I try to keep my pets chemical free so I avoided getting cat flea medicine in order to try natural methods instead. Nothing really worked. Most of the home remedies for these pests are lacking and they are basically ineffectual in keeping my boys bedding sets free of fleas. One item did a little better than the rest.

A flea comb is a good method that can replace cat flea medicine but I don’t recommend it on a regular basis. The comb is useful when your cat is unable to take medication because she is having kittens or she is nursing kittens. Cat flea medicine is not for pregnant and nursing cats.

I make sure to use the comb instead when a feline is expecting a litter and when she is nursing them. Once the kittens are grown and ready to move on I start the mother on the cat flea medication again after consulting with the vet.

Since I have cats and dogs in my house I use two different treatments. It is important to remember that dog and cat flea medicine are quite different from one another. You should avoid using dog products on felines because they can be harsh on your kitty’s system.

This can be a little tricky. Some bottles are difficult to read and others can be really vague. Just because a product boasts insect and boys bedding control does not mean that it is cat flea medicine. You really want a product designed specifically for your pet. When in doubt, talk to you vet.

I found that the veterinarian is the single most important resource when it comes to making sure that my home stays flea-free. The perfect cat flea medicine will be preventative in nature. Hopefully, we won’t see another one ever again.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Discover How To Relieve Cat Urinary Problems With Five Natural Remedies For Pets

Ever wondered if there's something you can do at home to prevent or treat cat urinary problems?  Here's a list of five natural remedies for cat bladder infection, along with how to choose the best natural remedies for pets.

Feed Your Cat A High-Quality Canned Food

But, you say, this isn't a natural remedy.  Actually it is.  Feeding your cat the best diet possible is the easiest natural way to keep him healthy and prevent future problems due to poor nutrition. 

Did you know that cats that eat only dry food are chronically dehydrated?  Dry food has an extremely low moisture level, compared to canned food.  Cats are meant to get most of their water from their food, so many of them don't drink enough water, which can lead to cat urinary problems.

Fresh, Clean, Water Is A Must

Lots of clean, fresh water is another natural remedy that promotes bladder health in your cat.  Your tap water may taste funny to your cat, so give him filtered water to make it more appealing to him.  If your cat still won't drink enough, you can add a little extra water to his canned food to increase his moisture intake.

Recommended Supplements

Give your cat between 250 and 500 milligrams of vitamin C every day if he has a feline bladder infection.  Vitamin C is a natural anti-inflammatory that helps to relieve the pain of a cat bladder infection.Not only does it soothe an inflamed, irritated bladder, but it encourages healing, too.

Too high a dose of vitamin C can cause diarrhea, so start with a lower dose and increase it to find the best dosage size for your cat.

Cranberry is an old natural remedy that prevents bacteria from sticking to the bladder walls.  Avoid the super-sweet cranberry juice at the grocery store, and give your cat cranberry capsules instead.

Herbal Pet Remedies

Many of these same herbs that people have been using for centuries can be used on pets, too.Uva ursi and Oregon grape holly are two well-known herbal remedies for feline urinary tract infections.

Uva ursi has been used for centuries to support bladder health. It's also a diuretic that kills bacteria in the bladder. 

Oregon grape holly contains berberine, a natural antibiotic that's effective against strep and staph bacteria.  It also relieves inflammation in the bladder.

Homeopathic Remedies For Cat Bladder Infection

Cantharis is a homeopathic remedy that is very effective for relieving pain.  It's also useful when your cat is straining to empty his bladder, since it gets rid of the feeling that the bladder is still full, even after it's just been emptied.

Staphysagria also relieves pain and promotes healing of inflamed tissues.

How To Choose The Best Natural Remedies For Pets

You're probably wondering how you're going to give your cat four different herbs and homeopathic remedies.  Wonder no more.  There is a product available now that combines all four of these traditional remedies.  It's safe and effective, as well as being easy to use. 

You'll be relieved to know that you can give this remedy right along with any antibiotic treatment your cat is on.  This herbal remedy for pets doesn't interfere with the antibiotics in any way.  And you can continue giving your cat this remedy to support bladder health long after the antibiotic is finished.

Now that you're armed with this information, you can prevent cat urinary problems from sneaking up on your feline friend.