Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Cheshire Cat: A Friendly Pet

When Lewis Carroll wrote his fictional piece called Alice in Wonderland, he created a fictional type of cat called the Cheshire cat that appeared as well as disappeared at will. It took up Alice’s time in amusing as well as vexing conversations and, was instrumental in pointing out philosophical aspects in order to get Alice angry. In one particular instance, the Cheshire cat disappears and the only visible trace that it leaves is its grin, prompting Alice to remark that she has never seen a grin without a cat. A lot of people know Cheshire cat as vanishing breed of the cat family.

Supposed Origins

A carving in a church in the village of Croft-on-Tees was what inspired Carroll into creating the Cheshire cat, though some would have it that it was based on the gargoyle that appeared on a pillar in St. Nicolas Church Cranleigh. It is obvious through multiple sources that the Cheshire cat got its name from Carroll’s home county named Cheshire, however quite a few people disagree to this fact? “Grinning like a Cheshire cat” is a saying popularized by Lewis Carroll and, may be attributed to the fact that cheese was sold in Cheshire that was molded like a cat which appeared to be smiling. Also, the last part of the cheese that could be eaten was the head of the smiling cat.

Tales apart, a somewhat more likely origin of the Cheshire cat could be the cats that inhabited the port of Chester, which had a cheese warehouse and, it was believed that cats sat at the dock waiting for rats and mice to come off ships used to transport Cheshire cheese to London. These cats seemed to be the happiest in the world and, therefore appeared to grin.

The Cheshire cat is also a notable personality in works other than that of Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland and, is also seen in Disney’s film adaptation of the book and can also be seen speaking to viewers in games found on the Disney Platinum DVD. American McGee’s Alice has a tattooed as well as withered Cheshire cat that is Alice’s good friend as well as guide. It may come as a little bit of a surprise to know that the first to enshrine the Cheshire cat was not Lewis Carroll but, Peter Pindar who wrote about Cheshire cats between 1794 and 1801.

My Cat Has Fleas!

For such tiny insects, cat fleas can inflict a horrendous amount of physical and emotional distress upon you and upon your feline. Just when you think you've got an infestation under control, a whole new generation rises up ready to feed.

Cats usually get fleas when they go outdoors, but even indoor cats can be vulnerable. All it takes is a flea hitching a ride on the owner's Reeboks. The cat rubs its head against the shoe in greeting…and there you are, dealing with a plague of cat fleas.

How Will I Know?

If you're cat has fleas, it won't be a secret for long. Watch kitty for excessive scratching. If you do notice your cat scratching a lot, purchase a flea comb (available at any pet store), place your pet on a light colored towel, and gently comb his or her fur. At times you might come across the fleas, however it is more likely that you notice black dots on the comb and towel. This is flea excrement--i.e., cat flea poop.

I Recently Noticed The Black Dots. Now What?

First you have to know your enemy and that means a quick lesson on the flea life cycle. A mature female flea can lay up to 50 eggs per day. Almost all of these eggs will be consumed by your cat, remaining would go to your cats favorite places. When the eggs hatch, the larvae survive by eating the adult flea's feces. After about a week, the larvae cocoon themselves into pupae. After a week the pupae emerge from their cocoons to be adult fleas, all set to repeat the entire cycle once again.

To cure your cat of fleas, you must not only kill all the adults, but also all of the eggs, larvae, and pupae. To be effective, you must carry out your campaign of destruction all at once.

Killing The Adult Fleas

The quickest way to accomplish this is to take kitty to the vet for a flea dip. During your presence there, make sure to enquire the vet about available products for getting rid of flea eggs. Also ask your vet about cat flea prevention so you don't have to go through the same thing again next year.

Killing The Eggs, Larvae, Pupae

While your cat is at the vet being dipped, it's time to take on the flea babies. Wash and vacuum your cat's bedding (if your cat sleeps on the bed, wash your own bedding, too, as well as any pile of clothes your cat has slept on). Vacuum or steam clean all the carpets in your home. Ensure that you do not miss on any part of the carpet, more prominently the area near to the floor boards. Take the vacuum bag out to the trash immediately so fleas do not start to breed inside it. Finally, release an insect bomb (or several) in your home. Ask your vet for a recommendation and follow the instructions exactly.

If you follow these instructions, your cat should be free of fleas in short order, but put him or her on a prevention program recommended by your vet. One flea annihilation per cat is more than enough.

Cats And Their Allergy

Cats are among the best pets that one can have, as you don't have to go for it's outdoor walks and daily exercise, it can stay in comfortably in small houses if you provide food and fresh water when required. Therefore, many of us prefer cats as the ideal pet besides all the mentioned advantages of having a cat, they are also extremely loving and loyal.

The Disadvantage Of Having A Cat

The only disadvantage of having a cat is acquiring or triggering cat allergy, which usually occurs from the dander and cat hair. You may not know you have cat allergy until you get a cat and encounter the following symptoms: shortness or breath, itchiness, watery eyes, blurry vision and sneezing or wheezing when in the presence of your cat or in the place where he or she shed hairs.

Cat allergy can be very painful and dangerous at times especially if you have any other medical conditions, which can be aggravated by the allergies therefore you must immediately take measures to combat the symptoms and enjoy your cat’s company.

Dealing With Cat Allergies

The first thing you will need to do is ensure your house is ventilated at all times; a good air filter will clean up the air and animal dander considerable providing you with breathable air. Grooming of your cat should be done by another family member if possible and also outside the house or where you spend most of your time, as during grooming a lot of the hair and dander will be air borne and that can affect your allergies significantly.

In case your cat suffers from persistence allergy, it is advisable to consult a Vet who will prescribe appropriate medication, which are the most suitable solution for this problem. Even after taking drugs or shots, it is important you still continue to ensure that the house is always properly cleaned as well as the air filter always running in order not to activate your allergies again.

Helpful Tip

Cat allergy can be fatal especially if you are suffering from respiratory diseases therefore, it is important you consider spending sometime in your pet’s presence before you acquire it and that will be the best way to know whether you can have a cat pet or not.

Cats are exceptional pets and many people are ready to pay exorbitant price for it, in most cases allergy drugs will help subdue the symptoms, it is advisable to be cautious if your allergy gets aggravated and.


Tips For Taking Care Of Your Domestic Short Hair Cat

While not officially considered a breed by the cat associations, the domestic short hair cat is the most common breed found in individual’s homes in the United States. The domestic short hair cat is often considered an ordinary everyday cat that is not bred for show but rather just for house cat purposes. In spite of this, more than ninety-five percent of all cats found in Northern American region belong to domestic short hair types.

History Of The Domestic Short Hair Cat

Today’s domestic short hairs are descendants of working cats that were brought to America on ships from England for keeping down the rat population. Cats that have no clear defined parentage are considered domestic short hairs.

Appearance Of The Domestic Short Hairs

The domestic short hair cat is perhaps best known for their diversity. They exhibit a plethora of personalities, styles and colors. This is possibly, what makes them so adored as house cats. It is noted that there are more than eighty different color patters of domestic short hair cat.

It is well known that domestic short hairs can be either calicos, tabbies or color cats. As a matter of fact the most prevalent domestic short hair cat is the black and white tuxedo cat. The appearance of a domestic short hair will depending entirely on the area you live and what other cats are in the vicinity.

If you live in a colder location then you are likely to get a domestic short hair cat that has a stocky build with a dense coat. Cats that come from regions with warmer temperatures will often be thinner with lighter coats.

Domestic Short Hair Personality

The temperament of the domestic short hair cat is about as diverse as their coat colors. When you get a domestic short hair kitten, it is often very difficult to determine what their personality will be like as an adult. They can grow up to be either quiet or vocal cats. They may hide under the bed most of the day or they may be tripping you up trying to get attention as you make your way around the house.

Purebred cats usually have a distinct personality and pattern, however domestic short hair cats have not been specifically bred hence it is difficult to judge its personality. Since domestic short hairs are randomly bred, you never know what you will get. No matter what domestic short hair you get however, they are usually friendly and social.

Taking Care Of Your Domestic Short Hair Cat

Most of the time domestic short hairs require little grooming, but it can vary depending on the length and texture of the individual cats coat. However, grooming is very important in all cats to help remove dead hair to prevent hairballs. It also has beneficial effect on blood circulation, muscles and skin, by virtue of the stimulation receive when grooming a cat.

Does Your Cat Have Feline Idiopathic Cystitis?

If your furball has been diagnosed with idiopathic cystitis in cats, you probably have a lot of questions.  Read on to learn more about this condition, and how you can help your cat with natural remedies for pets.

What Is Feline Idiopathic Cystitis?

"Idiopathic" is a fancy word that means "we don't know what's causing it." When you're dealing with a cat with feline lower urinary tract disease, this can be extremely frustrating.  Cystitis in cats is a very common condition, unfortunately.  And an even more unfortunate fact is that in nearly half of the cats diagnosed with FLUTD, there doesn't seem to be a cause. 

Some vets refer to this condition as "feline interstitial cystitis" because it's very similar to interstitial cystitis in humans. 

How Feline Idiopathic Cystitis Resembles Interstitial Cystitis In People

Comparing these conditions in both cats and humans show some interesting results.

  • People with interstitial cystitis have more sensory nerves in their bladders.  Many cats who have FLUTD do, too.
  • Often a person with interstitial cystitis doesn't have the mucus lining in their bladders that protects the bladder from becoming irritated by urine.  This is true of cats with idiopathic cystitis in cats, also.
  • Both humans and cats are plagued by recurring bladder infections.
  • Stress seems to be a precipitating factor for cystitis both in cats and in humans.

The question of whether both people and cats are suffering from the same condition is the topic of research studies.  If so, human treatments may be helpful for kitties, as well.

Drug Treatments For Idiopathic Cystitis In Cats

If your cat is having a lot of severe episodes, your vet may prescribe amitriptyline.  It relieves the pain and inflammation associated with cystitis in cats.  Side effects can include sleepiness, weight gain, bladder stones, and urine retention.You may notice that your kitty is letting his grooming slide, too. 

Your cat may be given steroids in an effort to reduce the bladder inflammation.  Glucosamine has been found to repair the mucus lining of the bladder, so your vet may want to try that. 

What Can You Do At Home To Help A Cat With FLUTD?

Diet is very important for these cats.  There has always been an emphasis on reducing the acidity of the urine, along with decreasing the amount of magnesium and calcium in the urine.  But the latest research shows that the rate of water turnover is the most important. 

What this means is that you need to figure out how to get more water into your kitty.  This will keep his urine dilute to keep the acidity lower, and prevent high mineral levels. 

If you feed your cat dry food, it's very important to switch him over to canned food.  Dry food has moisture levels below ten percent.  Why is this a problem?  Because cats are made to get most of their water from their food.  In a natural setting, cats eat mice and other animals, which are 98% water.  They don't need to drink much water. 

Canned food is has a 75% moisture level, which is certainly better than the moisture level in dry food.  It can be difficult to switch a cat who has always eaten dry food over to canned food, but patience and persistence over several months often pays off in better health for your kitty.

Reducing your cat's stress levels is important, too.  Many cats will have episodes of feline lower urinary tract disease after a stressful event like moving.  Some cats are even affected by weather changes.

Natural Remedies For Pets Can Help

Many cat owners have been successfully treating their cats with a natural remedy formulated especially for pets.  This cat uti remedy contains uva ursi and barberry, two herbs with a long history of use in treating human bladder problems.The homeopathic remedies Cantharis and Staphysagria are also ingredients.  This remedy is safe for long-term use in cats, and is very effective for preventing cat urinary problems.

Put this to the test right away, and see how well this remedy works on your cat with feline idiopathic cystitis.

Visit Natural Pet Urinary Health, and learn how to prevent feline idiopathic cystitis, and find the best place to buy herbal pet remedies.